Dress Code – Easy!

By Connor Silva

    This is my third year at Brooks. I was used to waking up, throwing on clothes, and having to tie a tie in the morning. While this may seem like an easy task, try doing it after a mere five hours of sleep, while you are rushing to get to class on time, and you still haven’t eaten breakfast. Doesn’t seem so easy now, does it?

    Usually these ties are suffocating and if you loosen them you would get yelled at by one of the Deans. Not only did the ties limit air passage to the lungs, but also during the spring and early September the long sleeve collared shirt caused increasing discomfort due to the increased perspiration.

    Now, being biased towards guys, I feel like the males at Brooks had it harder when it came to the old dress code. It seemed that the females on campus could wear a wide variety of clothing that had the potential to be more seasonally appropriate.

     Earlier this year, the argument could be made that this year’s dress code is confusing and too loose for interpretation of what we can wear. I think that this helped the students. One could make the excuse that they hadn’t gotten used to the new dress code and avoid a cut.

     I recall sitting in one of my classes and I had to have a tie or a blazer on as an extra layer. Sitting across from me was a girl in my class wearing a collared button-down shirt with no extra layer. She did not receive a cut and got away with the new dress code for two reasons. First, the teachers had not yet adjusted to this new dress code so they were not totally sure whether or not they could call people out for dress code or not. Second, if a student got called out for being out of dress code they could argue that either they had forgotten what day it was or that they didn’t understand the dress code for the day.

     If you haven’t noticed, the dress code is different day-to-day. It gives many people the freedom to wear what they want and be more comfortable while doing it. It also allows for an extra five to ten minutes of sleep because you don’t have to tie a tie.

     The spring months will be much nicer and more comfortable due to the new dress code requirements. You could also make the argument that it is unfair for the dress code to make us wear long pants on Mondays and Thursdays. However, we have seen that Mrs. Heinze had allowed us to wear shorts on these extremely hot days this fall. The new dress code is more flexible and comfortable than the one in the past.

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